Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Since 1987, Rocky Point Reservations has been the premier lodging specialist in Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point), Mexico, providing reservations at the finest condominiums, homes and hotels as well as personalized service to tourists. Rocky Point Reservations is the official, exclusive rental agent and property managers for the fabulous Sonoran Spa and Sea Resorts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to keep up on your blog. j/k
Hey, we stayed at sonoran spa resort this past memorial day weekend. Unbelievable! This place is gorgeous and we loved every minute of it. Word to the wise, though: never ever ever drive back into the US on Memorial Day. We knew it would be bad, but had no idea it would take us 8 hours to get through the border! Is this a joke? And to all of you jerk Arizonans (I'm an Arizonan too btw) and Californians who think you're too important to wait in line like the million other people and instead drive the wrong way in the opposite lane or drive along the shoulder with your hazard lights on -- I hope you're spending the next few days rotting in Mexican prison.